Airless Spray Tips 101
Airless Spray Specifications and Guidelines
The relationship of the tip opening (orifice) to spray pattern size is:
- Given a constant width (fan), the larger the orifice, the more material the sprayer will apply.
- Given a constant orifice size, an increasing fan width will apply a thinner coating of material to the surface because a given amount of material is distributed over a larger area.
SprayTech Reversible airless spray tips are stamped on the top of the directional arrow for easy reference. 5 = 10″ fan pattern at 12 inch spraying distance 17 = 17 thousandths orifice size.
Which tip size to buy?
Well now you know what the sizes mean, the question is which size do you need?
This will depend on:
A: Area you are spraying. Example: If you were spraying a 4 inch baseboard in a new house, you would not pick out a 517 (10 inch fan) to spray it with.
B: What size sprayer you have If your pump is rated at a max tip of .017 you cannot spray with a 519 tip
C: Kind of material you are spraying (Example latex primer, or oil base stain. ) This is actually not as important of a factor as you would think, since a 415 would spray either of the above mentioned materials, but is a factor to consider.
Top 7 “most popular” sizes and their main usage.
Top Seven airless spray tip sizes:
#1: 415 – Would be the most popular size for spraying just about anything. Walls, doors, ceilings, decks, exterior walls, exterior siding a good all around tip.
#2: 517 – Very popular for spraying int. walls, and int. ceilings.
#3: 413 – This is good size for doors, and ext. overhang and ext. siding. Gives you a little more control vs a 415 for ext. spraying. Also sometimes used for spraying Cabinets.
#4: 313 – Same areas as 413, but just for narrower areas.
#5: 515 – About the same areas as a 415, just a bit wider fan width.
#6: 211 – This is a very small tip, we sell it more for new construction for spraying baseboard installed up on the wall. And for exterior facial board. Note you will need a extra fine red gun filter for spraying with this small of a tip. Also you will have to watch that red filter when spraying latex with this small tip setup, it will tend to clog faster than normal.
#7: 619 – First make sure your pump will maintain a .019, main use is for New construction were over spray is of no concern, and high output is needed. If you are not familiar with spraying you will need to watch for runs with this tip size. If you still have questions on airless spray tips, feel free to email or call us – we would be glad to give a recommendation.