Specifications and Standards for Pipeline Coatings
Pipeline Coatings Application
The entire realm of Pipeline Coatings is so vast it is difficult to know where to begin. Some of the topics with which you may want to become familiar are;
* Fluid Pipelines (Oil, Water, etc)
* Gas Pipelines
* Exterior Coatings
* Interior Coatings (Smoothness is often considered the most important factor)
* Pipeline integrity
* Multi-layer FBE (as opposed to single-coat and dual-layer Fusion Bonded Epoxy-FBE)
* Hot applied coal tar enamels (exterior coating for extremely corrosive soils)
* Soil Corrosion
* Coating debondment
Internal Pipe Coating:
The performance attributes required for internal flow efficiency coatings and corrosion resistance external coatings for pipelines are detailed in internationally recognized specifications and standards for pipeline coatings. While there may be some differences from country to country and from pipeline to pipeline. All the standards have many common requirements such as;
* good adhesion
* hardness
* flexibility
* corrosion resistance
* water resistance
* chemical resistance
* resistance to gas pressure variations
These are just a few areas you may want to touch on in your presentation. Here are some links that may provide background and research for pipeline coatings: