The maintenance of machinery and equipment in industrial settings demand an uncompromising awareness. One of the most important aspects of industrial rust prevention is inhibiting rust with the use of an industrial coating which is an important aspect of the process. Products used for industrial coating provide a protective cover to safeguard expensive machinery and increase its longevity.
Rust is an unspoken killer. It is the biggest enemy of iron surfaces and causes them to wither away. Rust prevention is an important process and involves the use of various rust preventive products. The proper choice of a rust remover should be based on what kind of surface requires protection from rust.
Industrial and commercial sites present very harsh conditions and require a product which is impermeable and acts as a shield. An industrial rust preventive product should be able to maintain surface integrity and protect the surface from scratches, chips or any other damage.
Industrial sites are constantly exposed to corrosive materials and abrasives. It demands a premium rust prevention product which requires minimum surface preparation and is able to destroy the rust rather than simply forming a protective cover as rust converters do. At times a minimum amount of surface preparation can be done by dissolving the rust and properly etching the material.
Another important aspect of rust prevention is Dry Film Thickness (D.F.T.). It is the measure of the thickness of a coating when dry and is generally expressed in mils. A minimum D.F.T. of 12-15 mils is what is normally required by most industrial coatings applications and special care should be taken to ensure this. The degree of protection offered by the rust preventive product is in direct proportion to the D.F.T.
It is also important to distinguish between an epoxy primer and a rust preventive product when choosing an industrial coating. A primer is not an anti corrosive coating and will not offer the support offered by a competitive rust prevention product. An Epoxy coating demand extensive surface preparation and also proves to be quite labor intensive requiring an experienced applicator.
Rust Bullet is a marvelous product for the purpose of industrial coating. Unlike epoxy primer, it penetrates the surface and attacks the rust at its root. The product requires minimum surface protection and is UV resistant. Rust Bullet has also been awarded two patents by the
US government for its path breaking technology!
Rust Bullet offers industrial coating products. Visit The website with complete information about the company.