Testimonial Description:
Bob Murphy
Rust Bullet, LLC
300 Brinkby Ave. Suite 200
Reno, NV 80509
Dear Bob,
We have had a busy time the last month working on the ATSF 2926. Crews worked to clean up the asphalt coat that had covered the fuel tank in places. We used a Hotsy, hand tools, soda blasting, wire brushes, solvents, grinders, needle scalers and a lot of elbow grease to get the gunk off the outside of it. We also had a busy time getting ready to have the tender’s body lifted up off its trucks and set off on cribbing. That would allow the big Buckeye trucks to be swung off onto temporary track for brake and bearing work.
Last Saturday Albuquerque had the most rain that it has had on an April day in recorded history but our cranes and crews showed up from Messer Construction (they do RR derailments for money and help us out of the goodness of their boss’s heart) and we got the tender swing done between storms. Totals? 11.5 tons for the fuel tank, 35 tons each for the trucks and 80 tons for the tender body with those items removed. Read about it in our next news letter which will be coming to your company in a month!
So today I played hooky and enjoyed a whole day with the gallon of Rust Bullet you graciously sent. We tried it in two coats per instructions on the fuel tank and also a small area inside the water tank as a test. I am fixing a CD to send you for your use. The photos are yours for any purpose you like. The Board of Directors of the NMSL&RHS wants to let this stuff cure and try your scratch test before we estimate how much more we need to order. My guess is that we will be applying by hand with brush and roller and that we will probably find gallon size cans most convenient. I’ll let you know shortly. In the meantime I was really impressed with the way Rust Bullet covered the metal and rust. Thanks for your patience, time and attention. May I remain…
Respectfully yours,
Michael F. Hartshorne, M.D.
President, NMSL&RHS
In 1956, when all steam locomotives on the Santa Fe were finally replaced by diesels, the railroad donated 2926 to the City of Albuquerque where it was placed on display in Coronado Park (2nd and I-40). Through the years, the elements, vandals and collectors each took their toll on the locomotive and tender. Yet it remained a striking reminder of the golden age of railroading when steam reigned supreme and travel by rail was not only fashionable, but also a way of life. On June 23, 2000, our Society moved locomotive 2926 from its quiet resting-place of forty-four years to a nearby siding, adjacent to the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway main line. The ultimate location of 2926 will be on the site of the historic Santa Fe Railway Steam Locomotive Repair Shops in downtown Albuquerque, as part of the WHEELS Museum. Once there, members of the New Mexico Steam Locomotive & Railroad Historical Society will continue their work on its restoration to full running order.