Australia Corrosion Ships
Australians can see how rust builds up during the construction of a ship and once the boat is put into the water. Corrosion can be caused by the rubbing of the wharf structure as well as by marine life and bacteria which can be attach to the hull.
The Cost of Corrosion can become unaffordable, protecting your Ship or Marine vessel will save you time and money.
Rust Removal and Rust Protection Procedure
Rust removal requires understanding why the rust forms in the first place and addressing it with the right products and techniques. The most common causes of rust include the following.
- Chemical Processes: Dew point and acid rust
- Electro-Chemical Processes: Such as rust found in sea water.
- Mechanical Damage: Friction, collision, or rust fatigue
- Sulfate Reducing Bacteria
The right procedure for rust protection for ships and boats starts with the use of cathodic protection. Such protection is generated by an electrical current that uses sea water as its conductor.
What Causes Marine Corrosion?
There are several factors involved in the creation of marine corrosion. One of the more common principles used to describe the effect is a chemical or electro-chemical reaction between the metal itself and its environment. The result is a deterioration of the materials which is called corrosion.
What may be surprising is that the exact nature of rust and corrosion have yet to be fully discovered. What can be stated is that the principles of corrosion may occur in non-metal products as well.
Corrosion can be divided into two basic categories, wet and dry. Wet corrosion obviously involves liquids such as water while dry corrosion happens in gasses.
Factors that Contribute to Corrosion
There are several factors that contribute to corrosion, including marine corrosion normally involving metals.
While the form of construction may not have a large impact, the way it is created may have a bearing. For example, steel will have different rust protection treatments depending on the temperature of the environment will play a strong role in the speed of the corrosion.
Plus, the larger the size, the more likely there will be imperfections in the metal itself which leads to more rust protection products needed.
Corrosion can differ if the materials are mostly exposed to sea water as opposed to fresh water. But corrosion does occur in both types of water.
The age and overall strength of the material is a strong factor. The newer and stronger the material, the more resistant it is to corrosion.
The types of corrosion can vary as well. There are four main types that include uniform, localised, crevice, pitting, and stress. Other factors such as the type of bacteria can affect the creation and speed in which the marine corrosion spreads.
Understanding corrosion in the construction of ships provides insight into what actions may be taken to avoid the buildup of rust. For boat and ship owners in Australia, proper rust removal and rust proofing is part of the maintenance process for vessels of all types.
To lessen the effects of marine corrosion, appropriate steps will need to be taken.
Rust Bullet Australisia have the products required to carry out this work. Contact the friendly team on 0415 168 902 with all your questions.